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Video’s over (werk)geluk
Inspiratie: Pro Gallery

20 Scientific Reasons to Start Meditating Today

New research shows that meditation boosts your health, happiness, and success.
- Emma Seppala Ph.D. 11 September 2013

Podcast: Why does happiness at work matter? with Scott Crabtree @ScottCrab

Why does happiness at work matter? How can organizations and individual employees measure happiness and its benefits? How can employees and managers apply scientific insights to become more productive, creative, and effective?
- YouTube post van Phil Gerbyshak 30 april 2020

Laurie Santos geeft ‘happiness-colleges’ aan Yale: ‘Je kunt je eigen staat van geluk veranderen

Artikel uit de Volkskrant 14 december 2018

18 science-based reasons to try loving-kindness meditation today!

- Emma Seppala Ph.D. 28 oktober 2014

Audio: A Gift of Loving Kindness Meditation by Emma Seppala, Ph. D.,
Author of “The Happiness Track"

Many people have asked me to share the version of the loving-kindness meditation we researched at Stanford. I have recorded it here for you. Please let me know how it benefits you! For more on the science of happiness and meditation, check out my book The Happiness Track:

Podcast: Rich Sheridan and the Joy of Business. Everybody Matter Podcast Ep. 62

Rich Sheridan returns to the Everybody Matters Podcast to talk about his new book, Chief Joy Officer. Hear why Rich think joy is an essential part of leadership and how it can revolutionize your business and life.

Podcast: Self Compassion by Thich Nhat Hanh

Contermplatie van Thich Nhat Hanh over zelfcompassie ❤️

Artikel: The Four Qualities of Love

Teachings on True Love by Thich Nhat Hanh 17 September 2015

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